Christmas Eve Photoseries

diary photoseries

Photos and words written by myself:


On Christmas Eve with my friends Brianna, Kylie and Anthony, we drove to Lanikai Beach in the early afternoon.

We had trouble finding parking, and had to walk by Kailua Beach Park to get to Lanikai in the beaming sun.

With my flowy golden pants at Lanikai Beach, I waded in the water and got soaked up to my knees. I was taking photos of Brianna and Anthony, genuinely enjoying taking pictures for the people I had photoshoots with since I first got my Nikon DSLR in 2013.

We found a carrot in the sand and posed with it in some of the photos below. I strangely felt like a human sized bunny.

Some Snapchats and Instagram stories later, we found ourselves at an opening along the road that led to bumpy rocks, no slippers, and another impromptu photoshoot.

With the scenic two islands in the background and the crystal clear waters, we were set, and in our element. The air was warm, salty, and full of happiness.

After that, we went to Whole Foods and I learned about Bri's new obsession with Fleetwood Mac on the car ride there.

I got a delicious salad full with leafy kale greens, a tangy dressing, cheese, and other toppings that I loved but can't remember now. I also enjoyed a tarte mango kombucha to wash everything down nicely.

On our drive home, the windows were down in Anthony's car and the H3 freeway's views were complimented by, in fact, more Fleetwood Mac. Singing the lyrics "you can go your own way..." at the top of our lungs, we drove home and uploaded the photos from our day.


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by nomwonton.

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