How I Style Urban Outfitters Overalls Outfit #1


photos were taken by me with a tripod & a camera

HOW I STYLE overalls:

Vintage everything this summer. Salvage the old muscle tees and ill fitting shirts from the depths of your drawers to pair with overalls from the thrift store. If you're feeling a little bougie, I would recommend copping something from Urban Outfitters, Levi's, or Dickies if you're able to find a steal in store or online. Original pair of overalls found here, similar style here.

I've been absolutely obsessed with wearing this necklace and love how it ties in with the skater look that I've been rocking recently. Threw on a beanie along with this ensemble because I prefer keeping my bangs out of my face during hot summer days.


muscle shirt: Vintage Nike
overalls: BDG (Urban Outfitters)


beanie: Hand-me-down
necklace: Gift

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My name is Timothy Won, and this is I hope you stick around here and feel free to leave me any messages or questions that you have.

by nomwonton.

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check out my last "How To Style" post by clicking here


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