Tim's Mirror Selfies

Tim's Mirror Selfies

Selfies in the bathroom
in my bedroom
in the classroom:

a casual lookbook

This is another new segment on my blog which I'm going to call "Tim's Mirror Selfies."

Sometimes photoshoots are a little too much work; for other people, sometimes, for me a whole ton of work that I have to schedule for the morning of my Saturday.

Setting up a tripod, getting the pictures taken at the right time when the lighting is not too light or dark, using the timer on my camera, and planning out the outfits deliberately, in my opinion, limits how much I share with you guys the clothes that I wear on an everyday basis.

This segment also features some shirts which I love and wear on a weekly basis.

Also, these are the outfits and pieces of clothing which I usually am washing week after week and month after month. Hope that you enjoy!

Please let me know what you enjoyed most about this blog post by leaving a comment below. Make sure to subscribe to my blog by clicking on the 'SUBSCRIBE' button at the top right of my blog, if you want to keep updated on new content that I put out every week.

by nomwonton.

check out my last blog post here


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