Diary 27 - Mouth Machine Broke

"Mouth Machine Broke" - A Compilation

Thank you to Camille, Caitlin, Marisa and Maiya for letting me take photos of you guys, and for you guys for taking photos of me.

We got lost a couple times on the way to International Marketplace. I recall singing a lot of the album 'Melodrama.'

We stopped at Marukame for some udon. When we got there, we were first in line. The store began to get more busy after a while; it was hot in the restaurant, but cold udon noodles with anything tempura and flaky always satisfies my empty belly.

We wandered and took photos in Waikiki, walking around. I was extremely ecstatic that everyone had their own camera even though we looked liked a group of visiting students to Hawaii.

Got coffee (for Caitlin) and pineapple iced tea (for me) to validate our parking.

I also distinctly and happily recall singing Fergie and Black Eyed Peas in the car on the way home.

At Ala Moana, we got rolled ice cream (I got this sweet + creamy strawberry ice cream, Keiki size, of course)

Thank you guys for a fun dayhere are some photos from that day.

by nomwonton.
check out my last blog post here


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