Androgynous Style of The Week (Part 1)

read: the four/seven looks that I may be rocking once I go back to school in the fall semester

these looks were inspired by androgynous style on Instagram and YouTube and how I like incorporate feminine/masculine elements into each look.

Again, thanks to my dad since most of the clothes in this blog post are from him!

All the cover photos were shot in Toronto, and stay tuned for a part 2.

shirt: Dad's (Coca-Cola)
jeans: Hamilton
hat:  American Apparel

shirt: Dad's (fabiani)
shorts: Dad's (Billabong)
sunglasses: Aldo
bag: Muji

shirt: Dad's (Bachrach)
shorts: Dad's (Billabong)
handkerchief: Mom's

shirt: Dad's (Iolani Registered Originals Hawaii)
sweatpants: Tommy Hilfiger
hat: Dad's (KC Caps)

by nomwonton, check out my other blog posts!


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